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To Know God Is to Love God

Writer: yourstrulyebblogyourstrulyebblog

I am so thankful for how I started off 2021. At the end of 2020 I really made it my business to get my life in order before I entered 2021. I super cleaned my space, I bought me a planner, I made my vision board, and I really put myself in a place to re-focus my relationship with God. I can honestly say that I am so thankful that I took the time to do that because it is really paying off already.

As we all know last year was something different and even though my life wasn't affected in the ways of others I was spiritually dead and mentally drained. That alone affected my life in more ways than one. It affected my relationship with God and when my relationship with God suffered everything around me was chaotic. There were a lot of distractions, I experienced a complete burnout and I found myself lacking in my prayer time and even my time with God. I state all of these things to highlight that your relationship with God and how much time and effort you put into it is super important. We hear that all the time but for me to experience the difference just emphasizes on how important it is.

Moving forward into 2021. I know it's just the 1st week, but my relationship with God is back to where it needs to be. I'm more focused and I make it my business to spend time with God everyday and read my bible everyday. Really read/study it to understand and not just opening the bible app and doing some bible plans just to say I "read" my word today. I've been faithful in my prayer time and just being in tuned to what God has been showing me and telling me. I say all this to say the minute that I chose to get myself together and in order was the exact moment when God began to use me, communicate with me, and the Holy Spirit on the inside of me became activated again. I began to experience God differently this year and all because I sought His face and His presence. In this week alone God has provided for me in more ways than I could imagine. I feel at peace in this place knowing that not only will He take care of my needs but He will protect me, bless me with the desires of my heart and allow me to be a blessing to those who are attached to me. Aside of that God has been really teaching me and opening my eyes to so many different things. Whether it's about the world or people close to me, he's been using me to bring clarity and peace to others by simply standing in the gap on their behalf in prayer.

This place that I'm in with God; the place where our relationship is, is amazing. My goal this year is to grow deeper and even closer to God. Seeing what my life was like when my relationship with God wasn't at its best vs what my life is like when I'm on the same page as Him has been truly eye opening for me. I think about how God's word says that if we're willing and obedient to God that He will bless us and allow us to eat the fruit of the land. In other words He will make grace abound towards us and we will be in a place where we literally don't have to worry about a thing because He's covered it already. Today I want to encourage you to say yes to God. Whatever that may mean for you, if it means giving your life to Him say yes, you won't regret it. If it means to say yes to His plans for your life or doing things differently say yes, He'll began to set you up in favor. Don't miss out on God.

My prayer today is that we really seek God's face and the heart of who He is. I pray that we will begin to really give Him the space to show us that He has everything taken care of. I pray that we will give God the space to move mightily in our lives. I pray that new relationships with God begin to birth and that lives will begin to change.

With love,

-Yours Truly, Eb



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