As I wrote the title to this post, I originally wrote it in a non-intended pun to the spiritual warfare that has been taking place in my life. As I read it back to myself I said "wow there's really a war going on and this non-intended pun is real." There really is a war going on both a spiritual one and a natural one. I think back on all of the many ways that I've endured in the past few weeks and how at one point it got real heavy, almost too heavy.
I've been thinking lately a lot about the times we're living in and how the prophesies are truly coming to pass as God's word said they would. These times that we're living in are so uncertain and can be scary at times, but knowing that God said He would cover and protect His sons and daughters gives peace in times of chaos. In this time I'm also realizing in a greater manner that fully living for Christ requires choices to be made, some difficult and not easy. I'm understanding more of what Matthew 16:24-26 means. Jesus told His disciples that if they desired to follow Him that they should deny themselves (their flesh) and take up their cross and follow Him. Jesus made it clear that if we try to hang on to our fleshly lives and the things of this world that we would miss out on the greater reward which is eternal. I my own self have been experiencing more lately as I get older that the more God calls on me the more important it is for me to obey and say yes.
With my yes to God means my no to many things that the world can't see or understand. I'm finally becoming more comfortable with being at peace and okay with what that may look like and mean for me. I'm one who is used to explaining but in this season there's really no room for that for me. I think it's difficult because I'm adjusting to a new level of authenticity. I'm adjusting to a skill and practice that I've never been good at. Seeing how God is using my weaknesses as a way to strengthen me for what is required of me to enhance His Kingdom is quite an adventure.
You never truly understand how important your yes is to God until you're battling in a spiritual warfare that seems to be more than you can even handle. At times it's like being on auto pilot through life because the attack is just that strong at times. I'm grateful that God has given us tools on how to overcome it's truly just up to us to activate and effectively use what has already been provided to us. God never promised us life would be easy but He did promise that we would overcome. I'm grateful that when it's too much God allows me to tag Him in the fight and fights my battles with and for me.
How are you fighting this war? Are you prepared? Are you fully armored? Are you staying vigilant? I'm challenging you today to stay ready so that you don't have to get ready.
My prayer today is that we prepare ourselves for war. The war that is happening in the spirit realm. I pray that we utilize the tools and authority that God has already given us as His sons and daughters. I pray that in every circumstance in life that we will prevail!
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb
I like that phrase “ stay ready so you don’t have to get ready”. It’s hard to build a shelter in a storm.