Happy Saturday friends! Today I wanted to take some time to talk about the will of God. When I think about the will of God I think about the very thing that God speaks to us or presses upon our hearts to do. The very thing that seems like you can’t deny, ignore or escape it if you tried.
Many times God’s will for our lives seems unattainable or impossible to walk in because it often is something that we don’t see for ourself or feel that we’re able to fulfill. We tend to look at God’s will for us as something we do in our own strength and that’s where we’re mistaken. God doesn’t require us to do anything in our own strength. If that was the case we wouldn’t need God and He wouldn’t have given us the Holy Spirit to be a helper.
In all of these things when God makes His will known to us it’s up to us to honor and obey God’s plan for our lives. It’s up to us to choose to trust God through and through. God won’t force Himself or His will, that’s why He gave us free will to choose. We sometimes think we know best but the author of our story is who knows best. We have to choose to give up our will for God’s will. It can be hard to do but b when we trust God it comes with a peace in knowing that God will not short us or give us lack.
Today I want to challenge you to trust in the will of God for your life.
My prayer today is that we seek God for His will for our lives and that He will make it known to us. I pray that we will choose God’s will and His way and that we will see the fruit of trusting God.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb