One thing that God has showed me clearly this week is the power of prayer and agreement. It's one thing to have someone intercede on your behalf but it's even greater when there are more people and everyone is in agreement and on the same page. The move of God is even greater in multitude. It's even more amazing when there is agreement not only in the natural but in the spiritual as well. God's word states that when 2 or more are gathered He is there in the midst. God is everywhere but I've seen His presence be known when a multitude is gathered.
This is why community is important and those like minded friendships are important. There's peace in knowing that someone is standing on your behalf and going to God on your behalf. We weren't made to do life alone. For this very reason that everyone has tough seasons and we don't have to go through them alone. Yes God is always with us and there to carry us through, but to have friends and family who are there as well is a blessing that we often take for granted. Think about how much more your faith has been increased or your joy has been restored just by the prayers and agreement from those who God has strategically placed in your life. God knows and He will use those very people to pour into us or speak a word in due season for our lives.
Sometimes we look so hard for practicality in life that we don't take or spend time communing with God and spending time with Him enough. We expect for Him to talk to us through practical things or signs when He will simply talk and show you things if you just sit still and listen or invite Him into your space and your home. God doesn't need major things to happen or for signs to take place to get our attention or to communicate with us. Will He use those things? Yes. But God doesn't just use that as the only way to communicate. God speaks to use during praise, during worship, during prayer, and even dreams. The real question is are you attached to the right people in this season? Are you connected to those who God placed in your life? Is your community filled with people who will go to God on your behalf regularly and do they stand firmly in faith and agreement on the desires of your heart and what you're believing in God for? If the answer is no then simply ask God to place that community or person in your life. If the answer is yes, continue to grow with the people God placed in your life and touch others.
My prayer today is that we invite God into our space, home, and lives. I pray that God will bless us all with a friend or a community that will stand in agreement and intercede on our behalf. I pray that lives are changed based off the divine connections that God is orchestrating now on our behalf and that we will continue to grow in greatness.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb