In the beginning of the year my prayer to God was to be used by Him. Lately I have been telling God that I want to be an empty vessel ready to be used by Him at anytime for anything. He has been doing just that too. Sometimes being a flawed human can get in the way of the confidence that is my understanding of being chosen. Even when God does choose us it doesn't prevent us from making mistakes or falling short. I think the hardest part is truly understanding that God will still use you even in your mess. We often thank God for that, but sometimes we let that very thing stunt us from fulfilling what it is that God has placed in our hearts to do.
Where we mess up is, we look at everyone else and their outward appearance and we're just so sure that someone else who seems to have a cookie cutter life is better to do the job than us. We count ourselves out more than we count ourselves in sometimes and that's when doubt and fear comes into play. See I'm thankful that I'm still chosen even on this journey of following righteousness and learning. I'm thankful that God allows me to learn and He sees my heart. I'm thankful that He doesn't count me out. Sometimes we need that reminder that God still wants to use us. He will use the messiest of the messiest and use it for His glory. We can be our own worst critic and honestly if it was up to us to choose we would never accomplish anything with the thought that we aren't good enough. Or we're too messed up. The same people that we read about in the Bible are the same people that were flawed beyond measure yet God still chose them and He still used them.
Today I want to challenge you as I challenge myself to practice not being so hard on yourself. Don't count yourself out because of your mistakes. Don't dwell on the things that you can't change. Practice taking that struggle that you keep falling in to God and let Him renew you and make you whole. Don't be unused because you feel like you can't be used. Your life has purpose and no matter what you are still chosen.
My prayer today is that we see ourselves in the way that God sees us and that in spite of what we have going on in our lives that we still offer ourselves as an empty vessel ready to be used by God in any way that He please.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb