As I was scrolling on Twitter the other day I came across this tweet that simply stated "prayer is war". I have always heard that prayer has power but I never heard it used in this term. It also re-opened my eyes to understand how prevalent prayer is, in this time. We can often get easily exhausted and tired and slack on the areas that need prayer the most. "Prayer is war" is such a powerful statement in this day and time, simply because we are truly at war. We are at a physical war and a spiritual war as well. This is the time where we should be praying the most and not allowing the offenses of this world to knock us off our feet. Our prayer time and alone time with God is so essential. It's always been essential but it's even more essential in this day and time. Prayer is war and praise is our weapon. Go deeper into your prayer closet and press deeper into your quiet time with God. He'll show you everything you need to know if you seek him and ask.
We have to focus on what's pleasing to the Father and not allow social media and the distractions of this world to take our focus away on what's really taking place. We are in the season of preparation for Jesus's return. There has been so much division lately within the body of Christ and also within the world alone. If it matters this is a great time to practice taking the high road, expressing and showing love to those who may not even receive or understand. This is also a great time to seek and ask God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for the things to come. We all know that we are in the midst of election season and instead of focusing on whose the worse out of the option lets try asking God what is His will for this country and what would bring Him glory, because at the end of the day that's all the matters.
Today I challenge you to use your words to spread light and love. Lets also not use our words for evil as it is okay to feel frustrated, tired, angry, and confused I challenge you to use your words to change your insight and also your reactions to the reality and state of the world. Remember that God's word will always manifest and it may not always be how we hoped or see it but know that the righteous will always prevail.
My prayer today is that we all choose to spread love, that we will seek God like never before and that our faith will increase and our trust in God will hold true. I pray that we will receive an increasing of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb