Hello, hello, hello! I know it's been a long minute since you all have heard from me. Yes, I am still around for those who are inquiring and care to know lol. Today marks 4 years as a blogger. 4 years since I've stepped out on faith and launched something so near and dear to my heart. One of my favorite "yes" to God. When I launched Yours Truly, Eb in 2019 I remember having so many thoughts about how to do it, when to do it, where to do it, and so many other thoughts. I was so scared to share that I had to just release it to ease my mind. I told God that I would be consistent and authentic. I told Him that I wouldn't post just to post, but that I would only post when I had something to share and say. As you all can tell by the inconsistency that I meant what I said.
Since I've launched this blog I've gone through so many different phases with God privately where I had to step back from a lot of things just to focus and hear what God wanted from me. There's been a few times where God has said "get back to blogging" or "stop neglecting your blog" and I would want to show up but I had nothing in me. I'm coming out of a place of self-protection and I'm learning that what I deem as messy, embarrassing, and personal is the same thing that God wants to use. With that being said I am officially back for real. I truly have big plans for this blog (as I always have), but this time I'm going about it in a different way. I'm not forcing myself to be in a certain place, so my appearance with my blog may look different. You may catch me on this site or you may find me somewhere else utilizing what God has gifted me. Yours Truly, Eb is more than just a blog.
I'm so excited for what's to come in this new era of creativity and where it will go. God has been highlighting the number 8 to me consistently since August has begun and for all who don't know, 8 is the number of new beginnings. I don't think it's strange or a coincident that I launched this blog in the 8th month of a year that was nothing but new beginnings for me. 2019 rained new beginnings for me and I feel that this year is a full circle moment. God has been really refining me and teaching me this year. Somethings I will share at a later date. Know that God really has been doing a work in me and this is just the beginning. I'm excited for what's to come so stay tuned!
My prayer today is simply that ya'll will ride this ride and stick with me on this NEW journey of Yours Truly, Eb.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb