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Don't Put God in a Box

Writer: yourstrulyebblogyourstrulyebblog

If we believe that there is nothing too big for God to do, why do we put a limit on what He can do in our lives? It's simple as this; we simply don't believe like we say we do. Hebrews 11:1 states that Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of the things not seen. This means that even when we can't see it God is still working on our behalf. We have to have Faith so big that no matter the situation our Faith in God does not fluctuate. Faith that wavers is not Faith at all.

I've learned that it's easier for us to believe that God can do the small things but it's hard for us to believe that He can do what seems to be impossible and that's where we go to try to take matters into our own hands to prevent failing in life instead of trusting God in the most impossible situations and moments of our lives. God didn't give us His word and His promises just for fun, He gave us His word and His promises for us to stand firm on and trust in our very time of need. I'm guilty of putting God in a box at times. I'll be honest I tend to freak out when I get in situations that seem like I'm just between a rock and a hard place. I recently went through this not too long ago. I was in a really tough spot and instead of seeking God and asking Him what I should do and trusting in what His word says. I took matters into my own hands to prevent me from falling in a situation. I found myself in a place that I shouldn't have been in and God still came through for me in the way that He promised me before that He would, and I believe it was truly to show me that He won't fail me on His promises to me. It also showed me that my Faith in Him to do the impossible was weak.

We can find ourselves becoming very overwhelmed when we are in over our heads in stress an just the issues of life in general and we forget where our help comes from. It may seem like and endless situation. He may have made a way this time and you're now looking like "okay but God how are you going to do this again?" We have to know that God is not a one time God. He can do all things and there is no limit to what God can do for us. We can't just put God in the small box and only limit His abilities to things like finding a sale on some clothes, or food, etc. and not be able to believe that the same God that saved you $2 or $3 at the grocery store is not the same God that can wipe thousands of dollars of debt away, or close you out on your dream home, or heal your body. We can't limit God based on our comfort level. The only reason we place God in a box is because our comfort level is in a box. We need to step out of our comfort level and place God outside the box so that He can actively do everything He promised us He would do.

My prayer today is that we take the limitations we've placed on God off and that our Faith grows stronger. I pray that we remember the promises that God has said and that we stand firm on His word. I pray that we remember that God's word cannot return to Him void and that He is not a man that can lie. I pray that we don't be so quick to fix what we think God can't handle and start turning over the situations that seems impossible to a God who can do the impossible.

With love,

-Yours Truly, Eb



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